The Goal:
Evaluate the usability of an interactive mobile application using HFE principles, and redesign the mobile app.
The Process:
•Conducted an assessment of user needs through contextual inquiry and competitor analysis within Craigslist, OfferUp, and eBay.
•Formulated targeted use cases, created workflow and design approach.
•Developed research protocol based on personas and focused on their user goals:
• Purchase a product
• Post an ad
•Search for a product.
•Used formative evaluation and conducted a usability study to assess issues according to design principles.
•Incorporated usability principles and improved the three areas with iterative design approach.
•Created paper prototypes to improve on specific areas. Introduced features such as camera, barcode scanner, and search bar in strategic locations.
•Created a dynamic clickable prototype in Axure.
•After several rounds of design implementations and continuous testing, conducted A-B testing with final iterations, and analyzed results.
•Created a variety of design layouts and prototypes for the poster.
Key Findings:
•Number of steps and time involved were the most for posting an advertisement.
•‘Search’ did not yield intended results. Random items were displayed when baby bathtub was searched.
•Number of steps required to place a search query were tremendous and were frustrating.
•Violation of several design principles- no feedback or feedforward implemented, geolocation was not considered, overuse of red text deters the focus and task on hand. Information architecture was complicated and navigation menus were not easily accessible.
•Created a technical report, designed a poster, and presented to the graduate class.